Marine Research Institute

Reykjavík, Iceland



(Aug.-Sep. 1997)


The A14-97 cruise was carried out by the Marine Research Institute (MRI) on the RV Árni Friðriksson with the following aims:


The RV Árni Friðriksson left Ólafsvik harbor, Snæfellsnes at 2000 hour on the 12th of August 1997 for the A14-97 cruise.

The vessel headed for the Denmark Strait NW of Iceland (Látrabjarg and Kögur sections) from the Icelandic coast to the ice-limit and eastwards into North Icelandic waters (Húnaflói, Siglunes, Langanes NE) and from East Icelandic waters ( Langanes E and Krossanes sections) to south Icelandic waters (Stokksnes, Ingólfhöfði and Selvogsbanki sections). The RV arrived to Reykjavik at 1430 hour on the 5th of September.

Sections confined to VEINS are those of Látrabjarg, Kögur, Langanes NE and Krossanes. Locations of sections and where surface drifters were deployed are shown in Figure 1.


The hydrographic work was carried out with a CTD-water sampling units equipped with Seabird Inc. SBE 911plus CTD. The unit, a MRI made rosette equipped with modified Hydro-Bios 1.7 liter water bottles, was used on all CTD stations. A Sea-Tec transmissometer was attached to the unit. The CTD was equipped with newly calibrated temperature and conductivity sensors and water samples were collected at deepest sampling level on all stations for calibration purposes.

CTD (SBE 911plus CTD System) Sensor Status.

	    Temp. Calibr.  Cond. Calibr.
	   sensor date    sensor date

Unit A        943 07-06-97   498 06-06-97


All the goals of the cruise were achieved (see list of CTD stations and cruise track ) except a section west of Iceland (Faxaflói) and 3 planned deployments of SVP-drifters had to be post-phoned to the next MRI cruise due to weather conditions and changed cruise plans. The Faxaflói section was fulfilled in September (see cruise B10-97) as well as the drifter deployments.

The main results of the hydrographic observations in Icelandic waters in August 1997 were the following: South and west of Iceland salinities and temperatures were relatively high (7-10°C) with a strong warming up in the surface layers. The Atlantic inflow (Irminger Current) into North Icelandic waters was also quite pronounced (5-6°C; S>35.0‰), covered by a low saline surface layer. A slight relative cold (4°C) intrusion from the north was observed in the western part of the area. Off the East coast of Iceland temperatures were also relatively high (>4°C). In deeper waters northeast and east of Iceland the cold East Icelandic Current was, on the other hand, pronounced as earlier this year (0-2°C) but with a strong warming up in the surface layer (7-8°).

It is concluded that in the summer of 1997 temperatures were relatively high in the survey area with strong warming up in the surface layers in general.

As a support to the above findings are preliminary TS-diagrams from the Látrabjarg, Kögur, Langanes NE and Krossanes sections shown. In addition are preliminary potential temperature and salinity sections shown for Látrabjarg (Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b), Kögur (Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b), Langanes NE (Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b) and Krossanes (Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b) sections respectively, which all are part of the VEINS programme.

List of CTD Stations


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